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Ellucian removes the SOC worksheet, from its latest version of DegreeWorks


Remember SOC Worksheet?

Ellucian has quietly removed the SOC (Servicemembers Opportunity Colleges) worksheet from DegreeWorks 5.0.3, which was released on December 20th. While DegreeWorks 5.0.3 contains a slew of enhancements and redesigns it also marks the end to several features.  In this announcement we take a look at those obsolete features.

Stay tuned for more details about 5.0.3 as we prepare to upgrade our DegreeWorks hosted institutions in 2020.

It’s the beginning of the end for these DegreeWorks features:

With 5.0.3 Ellucian has dropped support for the following:  

  • SOC Worksheet
    The Department of Defense (DoD) announced the sunset of the Servicemembers Opportunity Colleges (SOC) Degree Network System (DNS) and Career Technical Education (CTE) resource list on March 29, 2019 to focus on initiatives that better reflect today’s higher education landscape. Ellucian has dropped support for the SOC worksheet.
  • PC Scribe
    For hosted schools still using the PC Scribe version, we recommend moving to Web Scribe as soon possible.  Please contact the WVNET DegreeWorks team for assistance with this transition.
  • Course Signals Integration  
    The integration between this early alert software and DegreeWorks is no longer supported.
  • Change Password feature on Admin Tab in the Worksheet
    This functionality was removed and placed in the DWshell.
  • The Classic Student Educational Planner (SEP2)
    The “Classic Planner” SEP2 (shown in the below screenshot) is no longer functional. During DegreeWorks implementations, most schools chose to deployed the “Next Generation” SEP3 planner. 

The demise of SEP2 should not impact your campus.
