
5.0.3 DegreeWorks Upgrade Frequently Asked Questions

In 2020, WVNET will introduce the 5.0.3 release of Degree Works. This page will answer your questions regarding the upgrade. If you have a question that is not addressed below, you can contact the WVNET Degree Works Team.

Questions and Answers

What is the 5.0.3 release of Degree Works

The latest version of Degree Works that we are moving our hosted schools to in 2020.

Why is the upgrade necessary?

As of December 31, 2020, Adobe will be discontinuing their Flash application, which is used in Shepentry and Surecode, the configuration tools for Degree Works. To ensure that Degree Works is operational in 2021, we need to move our hosted institution to the 5.0.3 version before that deadline.

When will the upgrade occur?

As we upgrade both your Test and Production environments there will be downtime. The specific dates and times for outages have not been determined

Is PC Scribe still available in version 5.0.3?

In the 4.1.5 release a new version of Scribe that runs in a browser was introduced.  With the 5.0.0 release the PC version of Scribe is no longer functional.  Only Web-based Scribe is available in the 5.0.3 release.

Is PC Transit still available in version 5.0.3?

Yes. You may continue to use PC Transit while you verify the functionality in the web-based Transit application. However, a job launched in web-based Transit cannot be viewed or managed by PC Transit, or vice versa.

Have the administrative configuration tools – Shepentry and SureCode – changed in 5.0.3?

With the 5.0.3 release, Shepentry and SureCode were combined into a single new application named “Controller”.  SureCode and Shepentry (delivered in DWshell) use a development tool called Adobe Flex which is based on Adobe Flash.  Adobe is discontinuing the Flash component effective December 31, 2020 – so, those applications will stop working at the end of 2020.  The new Controller component is the replacement for Shepentry and SureCode.

What changes can I expect to see in Degree Works 5.0.3?

Check out the preview and guide pages for new features and enchacements.