Careers at WVNET

Information about careers and open positions at WVNET.

How to Stand Out

Tips on applying for a position with WVNET:

Before you apply

Be sure to thoroughly read the job description and match your resume to the required skills.

Show us how you work

Give us concrete examples of an achievement (or even a failure) and how you handled it.

Tell us why this job

Let us know what you think you hope to bring to the organization and why.

What attracts you to this position?

Let us know in your cover letter what draws you to WVNET and how working with us will allow you to do work you want to do.


Our team of dedicated IT professionals provide services, guidance and training to address problems and tackle challenges that are unique to West Virginia’s schools, public institutions, and not-for-profits.

WVNET is located on Chestnut Ridge Rd. in Morgantown, WV.

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