Since the mid-1980’s, WVNET has been at the center of the consortium of West Virginia schools that use the Ellucian Banner system. Our services range from basic software and technical support for multiple products to database hosting, and our expert team is ready to help you get the most out of Banner.
The Banner Student product includes administration of basic Student records and functions; Registration, Admissions, Recruitment, Location, Accounts Receivable, and more.
The Financial Aid product uses built-in and school-created simple and algorithmic rules to process records quickly and efficiently from ISIR loading to disbursement.
Banner Finance keeps transactions and accounts within reach for easy monitoring and reporting of finances.
Self-Service products allow the student to easily view the status of admission, registration, financial aid, and other information.
We make every effort to stay on top of updates and new products as we get them and keep our clients updated as well.
We invite our clients to provide input during our monthly Banner User Group (BUG) meeting and to reach out with questions or concerns by visiting our OZ issue tracking system (click the link at the bottom of our homepage) or by calling our office at (304-293-5192).