

New Office Hours for Banner & DegreeWorks

The WVNET Banner and Degree Works functional team has set aside an hour each week to be available for informal discussion of Banner or Degree Works issues. Every Tuesday at 11am, beginning on November 12, you can click on the link and go online with us with whatever issues you like.  We look forward to seeing you there.  Who We Are Dianne Sisler – Banner Financial Aid & General Barbara Long – DegreeWorks Cristina Shannon – Banner Finance/Accounts Receivable Jenny


WVNET Significant Accomplishments in 2018

2018 was a year of serious change for WVNET. Our management from the top down was restructured, some of our staff retired or moved on to other opportunities, and we adjusted our work flow a bit to better support our customers. With all of these changes creating some chaos, we still managed to accomplish a lot. Here is an overview of some things we did: WVNET Telecommunications played a major role in moving nearly all

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