Adam McKeown
I like working at WVNET as it provides me with opportunities to solve interesting technical challenges for WV educational institutions.
I like working at WVNET as it provides me with opportunities to solve interesting technical challenges for WV educational institutions.
His coworkers said, “Russell loves programming and automation; he is always in a quest to achieve maximum efficiency”.
I am happy to work at WVNET as it provides me an opportunity to provide cutting edge tools and conduct training for WV higher education institutions
West Virginia University’s Teaching and Learning Commons (TLC) provides teaching support and resources for faculty, graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. Their team uses an evidence-based approach that emphasizes creativity, collaboration, and innovation. WVU’s TLC works with campus partners to assist instructors in enhancing their teaching, both on campus and online, to deepen student learning. Since 2013, the WVU TLC has increased its spectrum of services to include consultations, workshops, on-demand resources, and annual events on a variety of topics aimed at empowering instructors. Specifically, the WVU TLC offers course design/delivery services, classroom technology support, video/infographic assistance, and teaching practices peer…