Michael McDonald

Mike enjoys working for WVNET and all the new challenges it presents. 

Chevee Dodd

Chevee likes working at WVNET as it is an exciting and challenging environment that allows him to hone his skills on an expansive set of projects.  

Adam McKeown

I like working at WVNET as it provides me with opportunities to solve interesting technical challenges for WV educational institutions.

Russell McCormack

His coworkers said, “Russell loves programming and automation; he is always in a quest to achieve maximum efficiency”.

Harmony Garletts

I am happy to work at WVNET as it provides me an opportunity to provide cutting edge tools and conduct training for WV higher education institutions

WVNET 2020 Accomplishments

2020 was a year unlike any other before, with the COVID-19 pandemic presenting many new challenges for WVNET and our customers. WVNET management and staff expertly managed the challenges head on. The year consisted of some restructuring, staff retirements and some employees moving on to a new opportunity. But we still finished the year with six new employees joining the WVNET team, along with several employee promotions and advancements. On top of that, WVNET celebrated 45 years of service this year. Kids Connect: With the COVID-19 pandemic forcing K-12 schools to immediately shift to remote learning, the absence of reliable,…

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