
Harmony Garletts

I am happy to work at WVNET as it provides me an opportunity to provide cutting edge tools and conduct training for WV higher education institutions

WVNET 2020 Accomplishments

2020 was a year unlike any other before, with the COVID-19 pandemic presenting many new challenges for WVNET and our customers. WVNET management and staff expertly managed the challenges head on. The year consisted of some restructuring, staff retirements and some employees moving on to a new opportunity. But we still finished the year with six new employees joining the WVNET team, along with several employee promotions and advancements. On top of that, WVNET celebrated 45 years of service this year. Kids Connect: With the COVID-19 pandemic forcing K-12 schools to immediately shift to remote learning, the absence of reliable,…

Tech Tip: How to Prevent “Zoom-Bombing”

Zoom-bombing is the term for when individuals “gate-crash” Zoom meetings. These uninvited guests share their screens to bombard real attendees with disturbing pornographic and/or violent imagery. Most of these are perpetrated via publicly available Zoom links; however, not all depending on your settings. Here are ways to protect you and your guests from falling victim. Read more about what you can do to protect yourself here: Tips courtesy of Zoom and UC Berkeley

The holiday season is upon us for family, friends, and … phishing?

This festive time of year is when many cyber thieves try to trick you with holiday-themed email scams.  These phishing scams are professional-looking emails that attempt to steal your personal information (such as login password, bank account, or credit card).  The emails generally look authentic and appear to come from a valid organization (like WVNET or your bank).  They may even include a “helpful” link to a website for your convenience. Some phishing examples from previous holiday seasons include: From “Amazon”: Enter your username and password to receive a “free” $100 Amazon gift card. Unfortunately, the webpage captures your login credentials and installs harmful software…

Welcome to the new face of WVNET

West Virginia Network’s website has been in need of a “makeover” for some time, not only to make our online presence more visually appealing, but to present our information more clearly to our visitors. Our hope with this new site is that you will find the details you are looking for faster, and that they will be presented in a manner that answers your questions fully. If you are in need of additional assistance, or would like to speak with us directly regarding our many offerings to educational institutions in the state of West Virginia, feel free to use one…

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