

Current Website/Project Scope

Gather screenshots of main pages and list relevant URLs if they exist to illustrate project scope on a redesign
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 50 MB.
    Other problems or considerations?
    Add anything you’d like us to note in our planning.
    For the purposes of the content audit, it would be helpful to know what could be ignored on the current site.

    Who is the User Experience for?

    Please take a moment to think about who the users for this website are and what they need to be able to do on the website.
    Identify the different types of users for the website
    What does success look like for them (in their words), and what are the KPIs to measure that success? (If there is more than one item you’d like to note per user type, add a new line for each.)
    User Type
    Ideal user experience
    Current problems with this user's experiences

    UX and Design Requirements

    Content Requirements

    If new content is being developed for an existing site, indicate where the new content will be shared with the team. (Sharepoint, Google Drive, shared server, etc.)

    Comparable Website/Website Element Examples

    What comparable sites do you admire, and why?
    What you like about it
    What other sites have an appealing UX, and why?
    Website Name
    What you like

    Marketing Considerations

    Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: jpg, gif, pdf, png, Max. file size: 50 MB.

      Technical Considerations

      This has probably already been discussed with the WVNET team, but this can be from an administrative


      Business Stakeholders
      Other Stakeholders
      This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.