WVNET 2021 Booklet
Take a moment to review how WVNET is involved and the impact we have in West Virginia.
WVNET FALL 2021 Newsletter
Find out more about what is happening at WVNet. Projects, events, milestones, career opportunities and department updates.
WVNET Summer 2021 Newsletter
Find out more about what is happening at WVNet. Projects, events, milestones, career opportunities and department updates.
WVU provides “TLC” for faculty and graduate students
West Virginia University’s Teaching and Learning Commons (TLC) provides teaching support and resources for faculty, graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. Their team uses an evidence-based approach that emphasizes creativity, collaboration, and innovation. WVU’s TLC works with campus partners to assist instructors in enhancing their teaching, both on campus and online, to deepen student learning. Since 2013, the WVU TLC has increased its spectrum of services to include consultations, workshops, on-demand resources, and annual events on a variety of topics aimed at empowering instructors. Specifically, the WVU TLC offers course design/delivery services, classroom technology support, video/infographic assistance, and teaching practices peer…
WV Statewide Technology Conference July 12-14, 2021
The WVSTC is back! WVNET, along with our K-12 and Higher Education partners, would like to announce the return of the West Virginia Statewide Technology Conference in a virtual format on July 12-14, 2021. Keynote speakers include digital learning consultant Dr. Alec Couros as well as author and professor Dr. John Spencer. The Call for Proposals and Early Bird registration are currently open. For more information, please visit the conference website at wvstc.com.
WVNET 2020 Accomplishments
2020 was a year unlike any other before, with the COVID-19 pandemic presenting many new challenges for WVNET and our customers. WVNET management and staff expertly managed the challenges head on. The year consisted of some restructuring, staff retirements and some employees moving on to a new opportunity. But we still finished the year with six new employees joining the WVNET team, along with several employee promotions and advancements. On top of that, WVNET celebrated 45 years of service this year. Kids Connect: With the COVID-19 pandemic forcing K-12 schools to immediately shift to remote learning, the absence of reliable,…