
Customer Spotlight: Quality Matters at Glenville State College

As part of spring prep week 2020, Glenville State College offered a face-to-face “Applying the Quality Matters Rubric” course.  Prior to the start of each semester, Glenville State College offers a prep week to ready and inspire its faculty. This was Glenville’s first time hosting a face-to-face Quality Matters (QM) workshop.  Dr. Roxann Humbert facilitated the four hour course.  Since joining in the summer of 2017, Glenville has embraced QM with over 60 percent of faculty completing a workshop.  The workshop generated positive feedback from faculty.  They felt Dr. Humbert was an excellent and very knowledgeable facilitator.  They enjoyed the…

WVNET Accomplishments for 2019

2019 was another year of restructuring, staff retiring and some employees moving on to the next adventure in their lives. But we still came out on top with 10 new employees to joining the WVNET team. Also, WVNET will be celebrating 45 years of service in 2020. Check out our blog for some history on WVNET throughout the years.

Bridge Valley Community College Leading the Way

When you think about innovative virtual international collaboration, one would not first think a small community college in West Virginia would be a major player. Since August 2019 Bridge Valley Community College in South Charleston and Montgomery has actively integrating virtual and cultural learners from all over the globe by utilizing Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL). COIL is a relativity new pedagogical model that unites classrooms across geographical borders to form a virtual exchange program. Faculty teams up with faculty from various institutions around the globe to give students a multicultural classroom experience. Not only is it a multicultural experience,…

WVNET Welcomes New Director, Dr. Carl Powell

We are pleased to announce Dr. Carl Powell has embarked on his tenure as the 10th Director of the West Virginia Network. Dr. Powell comes to us with an extensive background in IT and Higher Education.  Please join us in welcoming Dr. Powell to West Virginia and the WVNET team.

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