WVNET Significant Accomplishments in 2018

2018 was a year of serious change for WVNET. Our management from the top down was restructured, some of our staff retired or moved on to other opportunities, and we adjusted our work flow a bit to better support our customers. With all of these changes creating some chaos, we still managed to accomplish a lot. Here is an overview of some things we did:

Network connections

WVNET Telecommunications played a major role in moving nearly all 55 West Virginia county courthouses to new circuits. The courthouses were paying a hefty price for internet access, and this change saved them thousands of dollars. Since the circuits had to be moved before renewal of an existing contract, the time frame to complete the work was short. Our Telecommunications team worked hard to get this done on time.

Judge's gavel

WVNET worked extensively with West Virginia’s County Judges, Clerks and Supreme Court technical staff to do arraignments, host remote lawyers, interpreters and witnesses, and other court business via video communications. Originally designed and implemented by Judge Dan O’Hanlon and WVNET’s Allen Daugherty, the video infrastructure for this service has grown and evolved for nearly two decades. WVNET provides scheduling, connecting, troubleshooting and training for the video systems.

Akamai logo

We replaced the aging Akamai server and switch in our Charleston Data Center with a new one that is significantly faster and more robust. Our Akamai servers are part of a large Content Delivery Network (more than 240,000 servers world-wide) which cache certain popular content in multiple geographical locations. As an example of why this is important, when a Windows Update is available there would be a lot of network congestion if every PC downloaded the update from Microsoft’s servers in Silicon Valley. Instead, Akamai servers cache the update locally so that fewer computers are downloading from a more local source. The result is a significant improvement in connectivity and download speed.

Ellucian logo

WVNET deployed our first instance of Ellucian Workflow, a tool that automates business processes. Working with Blue Ridge Community and Technical College, we got both a test instance and a production instance running. We are now working on implementing Workflow for other institutions.

Banner logo

WVNET’s Banner Support team achieved greater stability with the Banner database servers, optimizing the memory usage to prevent outages. There were semi-regular memory problems, and our DBAs worked on new memory settings that have resulted in far fewer service interruptions. Also, we worked with Pierpont Community and Technical College to implement their Banner system hosted at WVNET.

OZ logo

WVNET’s custom problem tracking system “OZ” never stands still, as we constantly tweak and extend it by request from our customers. This year we made numerous changes to reports and invoice layouts, improved searching capabilities, and made improvements to our Google Chromebooks management interface.

PLAD logo

We introduced our Professional Learning and Development system
(PLAD) in the spring of 2018. Multiple K-12 school boards have adopted the tool for tracking their staff’s professional development. Thousands of users have helped us build on the initial system which now includes a pre-registration system for class sessions, sign-in sheet generation, and many more reporting options.

PSTachio logo

A new version of our Public Service Training application “PSTAchio” was written by one of our software developers. The emphasis in this rewrite was bringing the software into a set of standards to improve performance and maintainability. We are now working with PST coordinators to move this new version into production along with improvements to functionality and performance.

Entry log example screen shot

Our Entry Log application serves as a community monitor for WVNET staff. It helps us to know who is currently working and whether they are local or remote. New staff members can use the app to match faces with names. This year the app was completely re-written to conform to modern standards and provide a more dynamic update of staff information. We also integrated our Emergency SMS messaging system into the app, which is used to notify our staff of inclement weather closings and other important events. These applications were built for use at WVNET, but could work just as well for your institution. Contact us if you would like to know more!

Gatekeeper logo

Gatekeeper is a WVNET program that monitors school attendance via input from biometric devices or other sources. It is mostly used by K-12 schools to keep track of tardy and early dismissal students. This year we made improvements to the student data input code to help keep an up-to-date record of enrolled students at each school.

HONU logo

HONU is an application we made for the WV Center for Nursing that helps nursing educators schedule time at medical institutions for student experiences. In the past year many parts of the application were written to make it more maintainable and compliant with WVNET’s software development standards. Users of the application responded enthusiastically, with one saying that “This is the easiest it has ever been.”

WVIRC logo

WVNET created and maintains software to help the West Virginia Instructional Resource Center (WVIRC), which provides materials for the West Virginia School for the Deaf and the Blind. The application helps teachers order free educational materials while helping the WVIRC to manage orders and inventory. This year we made many updates to the user interface, reports and help system, and improved ADA compliance in the user interface so that it will work better with screen readers.

oneTap logo

OneTAP is our on-line electronic bid management system which allows an institution to post RFPs and RFQs on a web-based platform and accept vendor bids electronically. We made major improvements to the user interface and functioning of the application in the past year, and it is now available as a service to our customers.

website icons

WVNET’s home web site was re-designed and rebuilt from scratch during 2018, with an emphasis on simplicity, easier navigation and a more modern look. See it here: http://wvnet.edu .

Web hosting

In the past year more counties in West Virginia began hosting their K-12 Web Sites at WVNET. We provide free web sites for K-12. Our support includes ready-made theme templates, training from our skilled web support staff, problem solving and software updates. We back up sites and update plug-ins on a daily basis. For sites that use custom domain names or SSL certificates, we make sure they get renewed at the right time and continue to work correctly.

secure cloud

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is a protocol that provides security in connections to web applications and sites. An authorized certificate is required to establish an SSL connection, and this has traditionally been an on-going expense as the certificate had to be purchased/renewed from a certificate authority. There is now a product called Let’s Encrypt which is free, automated and open, so there is no on-going cost. WVNET has been gradually integrating Let’s Encrypt in our applications and sites.

accessibility keyboard keys

Web site accessibility is rapidly becoming an issue for schools, as the U.S. Department of Education is requiring sites to adhere to ADA compliance standards. For this reason WVNET began offering Web Site Accessibility Remediation services. Combining our knowledge of best practices established by the Worldwide Web Consortium (W3C) and the latest industry tools, WVNET can assist anyone wishing to craft and/or implement an Accessibility Action Plan for their institution/business, helping to provide a path to compliance. Whether building a new website or making existing web content more accessible, we are able to provide a comprehensive audit of online material, as well as the resources to remedy any issues identified. This service is offered at extremely competitive rates and helps to minimize and/or eliminate potential legal costs as more and more high-profile institutions (both government and private) are caught up in preventable litigation resulting from non-compliance. We have already worked with several customers to identify and correct accessibility issues on their sites.

Blackboard logo

WVNET hosts and supports Blackboard Learning Mangement System for West Virginia institutions. During the past year we upgraded the software three times to provide the latest and greatest features and reliability. Many of the state’s educational institutions use Ellucian Banner for student management, and WVNET created and maintains an integration between Banner and Blackboard. In 2018 we implemented this integration for more of our participating institutions. As with all of our services, we also worked with customers to train, assist, solve problems and make sure everything worked correctly.

Blackboard K-12 logo

While WVNET has hosted and supported Blackboard Learning Management System for West Virginia Higher Education institutions for many years, we are now offering Blackboard for K-12. This LMS service helps schools reduce paper costs and create reusable subject matter with powerful content management tools. The new service offers customizeable content to fit a variety of lessons and delivery methods including blended/ flipped classroom structures. Through the Blackboard LMS, students can access course materials and complete assignments on snow days while parents can stay informed with classroom/grade notifications for students. Plus, it is hosted right here at WVNET. The K12 Blackboard LMS also features custom integration with the West Virginia Department of Education’s Student Information System (WVEIS), and an attendance tracking tool. Blackboard boasts a mobile app to engage active learners where they are, as well as an instructor app to allow teachers to access their classrooms from mobile devices and a grader app that allows teachers to grade lessons on the go. WVNET offers 24/7 Help Desk support for teachers, students, and parents as well as a variety of technical support and onsite training for faculty and staff.

Big Blue Button logo

More of WVNET’s customers are using Big Blue Button to enhance their Blackboard, WVROCKS and PEAK courses. Big Blue Button is a web-conferencing system that provides high-quality, face-to-face communications along with recording capabilities, annotations, shared desktop, document sharing, interactive whiteboard, polling, chat and more. It’s an incredibly useful tool that is surprisingly inexpensive compared with other web conferencing solutions.

Return to sender stamp

WVNET redesigned its Address Cleansing application and began offering it to our hosted institutions at no charge. Address Cleansing is a process which checks addresses against data files of authentic deliverable locations (provided by the US Postal Service) and revises or cleanses them as needed. Approximately twenty-five percent of scanned addresses are either misspelled or have an incorrect zip code, city or state. Using this service greatly improves an institution’s success in contacting students, prevents unauthorized changing of student-provided data, and enables eligibility for postal discounts.

Microsoft logo

WVNET extended its Microsoft contract for an additional year. This contract provides 19 public and private higher education institutions with all of the Microsoft products they need at the lowest possible cost through the Microsoft Campus Agreement Program.

PEAK logo

Our Distance Learning team worked with the West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals to deploy staff development and HR tools on our Portal for Education and Knowledge (PEAK). We offer PEAK as a shared Learning Management System (LMS) for organizations who want to provide online training without the expense of paying for an entire LMS instance. If you have a small set of courses you want to offer to your employees, this service is worth looking into!

Virus warning sign

Some of our customers who get a lot of email rely on our Virus and Spam Filtering service to remove unwanted email. Email continues to be a major source of computer compromises, delivered through attached files or via embedded links that may be clicked. WVNET uses Defender MX and other spam filtering tools to eliminate malicious emails and flag others that have suspicious characteristics. In the past year we updated this software numerous times to provide the best service and stay up-to-date with our ability to correctly identify and eliminate problem email.


Enrollments in the West Virginia Remote Online Collaborative Knowledge System (WVROCKS) courses continue to break records. WVROCKS provides online courses for Regents Bachelor of Arts Degree Students, Board of Governor’s Degree Students, and a number of other special initiatives. Courses are offered in a compressed eight-week format and range from 1-3 credit hours for 100-400 level courses. During the 2018 calendar year, WVROCKS enrollments increased to 2317. Students from seven participating institutions of higher education enrolled in classes generating over $600,000 in revenue for those institutions. In addition, retention statistics continue to exceed national averages in that 97% of those who enrolled, attended their classes; 96% of those students who attended, completed their courses; and 87% of the students who completed their courses earned passing grades. Spring 2019 enrollments have already surpassed Spring 2018, and two new institutions have joined the consortia of participating institutions. WVROCKS began in the Fall of 2012 with just 50 enrollments and three participating institutions. WVROCKS growth in a few short years demonstrates the sustainability of their business model and the need to extend curriculum offerings at the institutional level through a statewide portal. West Virginia Network’s (WVNET’s) support, both technical and administrative, is essential to the portal’s success. For more information, contact Dr. Roxann Humbert (mailto:Roxann. Humbert@wvrocks.wvnet.edu) or Dr. Mary Stewart (mailto:Mary.Stewart@wvrocks.wvnet.edu).

Degreeworks logo

In early 2018, WVNET’s DegreeWorks Team, in partnership with Ellucian, launched a series of virtual training sessions focusing on the “scribing” course catalog process. To ensure repeated outcomes were achieved in maintaining course catalog data within DegreeWorks, instructors incorporated institution-specific curriculum and data, recommended best practices, and other scribe industry standards. In Mid-Summer 2018, WVNET hosted our first DegreeWorks Reporting Workshop. During this 3-day workshop, attendees from six institutions were provided with an overview of the DegreeWorks Curriculum Planning Assistant (CPA) tables/views and report creation strategies. Behind the scenes, the Degreeworks team made changes to ensure better data management. For example, they denoted the 2nd Tuesday of the Month for an expanded maintenance window for all our hosted DegreeWorks Test environments.

Value added symbol

WVNET worked with numerous customers to create and manage Listserv group email lists, Domain Name System (DNS) configurations that map friendly internet URLs to IP Addresses, Domain Name configurations that allow users to have a custom URL for their web and email presence, and Secure Socket Layer (SSL) certificates that provide a secure internet connection. All of these services are provided at no charge to our customers, which is an example of Value Added Benefits you get when partnering with WVNET.

computer servers

WVNET’s Systems Team creates and maintains the cloud in which all of our services run. WVNET’s systems are complex, including a vast array of servers, operating systems, security systems, storage networks, backup systems, email and messaging, automation and monitors. The systems team keeps our services running within the State of West Virginia to provide the best, most efficient and secure services and the most cost-effective price.

HONU – Scheduling for Nursing Students

When I started at WVNET in February, I was told of the many applications that we maintain and which needed the most attention. As soon as I heard of the app WVNET developed for the West Virginia Center for Nursing (WVCN), I was excited to work on it. I love problem solving and this application had several requests from our users with no clear solution on how to implement the changes. Also, this was the first time in my programming career that I was inheriting another developer’s code, so I would need to learn the software from the ground up in order to unravel its mysteries.
After speaking with the WVCN administration and the application’s users, I was able to develop a clear picture of what they needed to have changed, and I even banked a few ideas of my own that I knew they would appreciate. It took me a few weeks to fully understand how the application was built, but after a short few days of writing my own code for this program, it started to become _my_ code.
HONU is an application that allows schools in a nursing region to schedule their students at hospitals and clinics for observation and clinical practice. Because of this unique situation, using a simple calendar or other scheduling application wouldn’t work. We had to develop something custom. HONU allows medical centers to enter the units they have available for nursing students and how many students they can accept at once. Schools can enter requests for these slots for a range of time and days. These are requests because we allow multiple schools to request slots even if they overlap. One of the biggest changes I made was to make everyone involved aware when an overlap occurs. Both parties that are involved in the overlap receive notices both in the app and through email with contact information. This allows the two administrators to coordinate and negotiate their student’s time with very little conflict.
We launched the new version of HONU in April 2018 and with the exception of a few minor bugs, it went off without a hitch. The users have been very appreciative of the changes I’ve made and my inbox has received many praises:
“You are the best and this was much smoother than any other time.”
~ Melissa Layne, RN, MSN, Assistant Professor of Nursing, University of Charleston
Currently, the software is in use by a single nursing region, but we have branded the app as HONU in anticipation of expanding to several additional regions. We have already begun work on introducing a new region and I am very excited for the future of my little turtle.
~ Chevee Dodd, Software Developer

Professional Learning and Development (PLAD)

WVNET is proud to introduce our newest software innovation, the Professional Learning and Development system. PLAD helps take the paperwork out of tracking personal training hours. Our simple and effective interface ensures that teachers and staff can quickly enter their training hours, and administrators can audit and approve training with ease. Our goal is to provide you with a solution that goes hand in hand with your current training practices and doesn’t get in the way.
When logging in, staff are greeted with a notice of the hours they have accrued for the school year as well as a summary report of their training attendance. PLAD provides forms for entering attendance records, viewing records and providing feedback with a session survey. Administrative users have access to a custom dashboard where they can approve attendance, edit staff, and maintain a list of pre-approved training sessions. District administrators can enter staff attendance records in bulk with just a few mouse clicks. There are also multiple customizable reports available. PLAD was developed in conjunction with Lewis County schools and when asked about it, this is what Technology Director Jeff Tidd had to say about it: “PLAD is the staff development management system that Lewis County needed. Every vendor we reached out to was trying to sell us a staff development management system, plus other features that we didn’t need or plan to use.
PLAD is a simple, easy-to-use system that allows us to record staff development for all employees and print reports.” Tracking professional learning and development online has the advantage of being accessible by many people at any time from any computer with an internet connection, including mobile devices. At the same time, it is protected from unauthorized access by strong security and encryption. PLAD is hosted at our secure facility in Morgantown, WV and backed up, off-site, at our Charleston secure facility.
If you would like more information about how your institution can use PLAD, contact Chevee Dodd at 304-293-5192 x260 or cdodd@wvnet.edu.

WVNET Significant Accomplishments 2017

2017 was a challenging year for education and government in West Virginia. State budget issues lead to cutbacks and uncertainties, which caused some of WVNET’s staff to move on to other employment opportunities. Despite the hardships WVNET persevered, on behalf of our customers, to keep all of our services available at a high level of quality.

As we look back on 2017, we have plenty of accomplishments to show for our hard work. Here are some of the noteworthy things we did last year in our mission to enhance education through technology while saving you money.

Key in a cloud

Thanks to a contract with the West Virginia Department of Education, WVNET continued to provide significantly lower cost Internet access for our schools and libraries.

Power couplers

WVNET’s Data Center is home for a substantial collection of computer systems, some belonging to WVNET and some collocated for customers. We constantly monitor this space and make upgrades as needed to sustain a proper environment. In 2017 we installed a new air conditioning condenser unit and added three manual transfer switches to our power system. The switches will allow us to perform regular maintenance on our Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) with decreased possibility of unexpected failures. The ATS switches power to our UPS/generator in the case of a utility power outage.

Internet2 logo

WVNET continued to be an active member of Internet 2, participating in their meetings and conference. Internet 2 is a new Internet being built with fiber and high speed all the way. It connects the research universities with resources like supercomputers, and provides numerous improvements over the existing Internet.

Quality Matters Program

WVNET supports the Quality Matters program that helps West Virginia Institutions of Higher Education to focus on the quality of their online courses. Quality Matters is an internationally recognized process for peer reviews of online courses. To date, over 1700 WV faculty have received training on the Quality Matters rubric, 126 have gone on to become peer reviewers, and another 16 have become master reviewers. Twenty-three additional peer reviewers are now eligible to take the training to become master reviewers. In addition, five faculty received training to become face-to-face and/or online trainers. There are now 12 courses that have been through the official Quality Matters Review process. West Virginia is now poised to conduct official subscriber-managed reviews for $450 per course as another attempt at cost-savings for institutions. WVU submitted the first course for this in-state process.

Higher Ed Day at WV State Capitol

WVNET attended Higher Ed Day at the WV State Capitol in Charleston. This was a great opportunity to get the word out about WVNET’s diverse services that save educational institutions money while providing personal in-state support. Not only did we have the honor of talking directly to some WV legislators, but we also had the privilege of meeting face-to-face with many of our colleagues from institutions throughout the state.

WVNET vendor booth at Bluefield RTC

WVNET displayed our service offerings at the 3rd Bluefield State College Biennial Regional Technology Conference (RTC) held in honor of its co-founder Mrs. Audrey Biggs. We met some very interesting people at this conference as they visited us between sessions.

URcast Network logo

WVNET presented URcast to attendees at the WVDE Spring Network Design and TSS workshop. URcast is an application that enables content to be delivered through caching servers at local sites. This negates the need for the students to have an internet connection at home to access content, materials, and assignments. When the student returns back to the school, their work syncs automatically back to the caching server for the teacher to access. The big goal is to diminish the digital divide that exists for many students due to their lack of access to the internet or the ability to afford that access.

Portal for Education Achievement and Knowledge

WVNET’s Blackboard Training Instance received a makeover and it was re-envisioned as a Portal for Education, Achievement, and Knowledge(PEAK). PEAK provides online, on demand, faculty and staff training for twelve hosted institutions, in-house personnel training, URcast training for public school teachers and staff, WordPress tutorials for web hosting, and more. This online training resource has achieved both travel and human resource cost savings while delivering excellent customer service and access to an ever growing knowledge base of on-demand information.

Blackboard Building Blocks

WVNET Systems Programmer Jonathan Lynch developed a Student Performance Dashboard Building Block for all of WVNET’s Blackboard customers. This custom program adds a page to Blackboard that allows teachers, deans, and guidance counselors to get a top-down view of how students are doing across all of their online courses. Without this building block, faculty had to click into every individual course to get this information, an arduous task for a dean overseeing hundreds of classes.

WVSTC 2017

In July 2017 WVNET worked with the WV Dept. of Education to present the West Virginia Statewide Technology Conference which was attended by nearly 500 educators from throughout West Virginia. 176 representatives from 79 companies also participated in the event to demonstrate the latest educational technologies. The conference offered over 100 peer-presented sessions along with formal training including Coding with Apple, Office Mix, Library Media Specialist, Certifications and 1:1 Initiatives.County Technology Integrations Specialists took a bus trip to Coopers Rock State Park where they participated in training from Apple on a variety of outdoors-based projects using iPads and other innovative technology.

OZ Tracking System

WVNET’s OZ Problem/Task Tracking System affects 1000’s of people in West Virginia as it is used by numerous K-12 and Higher Education institutions and Government agencies to request and fulfill service needs. Over 100 updates were made to OZ this year, both fixing and improving the existing functionality while adding new capabilities. The most notable changes overhauled search capabilities, added new reports, extended time tracking functions and created integrations with other applications.

Google Chrome logo

WVNET’s OZ system makes Chromebooks Management easier by interfacing with Google’s Chromebooks API. We developed a dashboard to perform common Chromebooks tasks. This integration saves schools a lot of time and effort when they are managing hundreds or thousands of Chromebooks for students. System Administrators can use this to quickly check in or check out a Chromebook or schedule it for repair.

GateKeeper logo

More K-12 institutions adopted WVNET’s Gatekeeper application as their solution for tracking student attendance. Gatekeeper keeps track of students coming and going by monitoring student ids entered by swipes on a fingerprint scanner, magnetic card reader, RFID reader or a keyboard.

WVCCA 2017 Annual Conference

WVNET was a proud sponsor of the West Virginia Community College Association Conference (WVCCA). This year’s conference was held at the NewRiver Community and Technical College, Raleigh County campus. WVNET provided a web/mobile online conference guide in cooperation with conference director Lori Midkiff. At the conference we met with contacts and friends from CTC’s throughout West Virginia. It is a treat to meet people face-to-face.


WVNET continued to improve and enhance our online management system for the WV Instructional Resource Center (WVIRC) which provides educational resources for deaf and blind students throughout West Virginia. This year we attended the West Virginia School for the Deaf and the Blind Conference (WVSDB) where we presented training for the system and assessed needed improvements. Based on feedback, we developed and published some major updates to the application.


WVNET implemented Blackboard Learn 9.1 Q4 2016 CU4 (3100.0.4) to all supported institutions over the winter break. This upgrade addressed outstanding issues within the platform that our users have reported over the last semester as well as implemented some new features to the inline grading process that enables faculty to give feedbackon assignments with detailed “inline” markup as well as audio and video feedback.


The WVNET DegreeWorks team completed the upgrade of DegreeWorks to version 4.1.6 for 12 hosted institutions, providing many additional features and abilities to help students on the path to graduation. We also installed a DegreeWorks add-on for Student Transfer Articulation, which allows students to assess their progress to graduation and progress toward a degree at another institution. This ability will help students look beyond their current academic achievement to how they can aspire to higher levels of learning. In late 2017 we facilitated the implementation and roll-out of DegreeWorks at Eastern WV CTC, making them our 15th hosted institution.

Handshake between human hand and robotic arm

WVNET welcomed some new staff members. Blaine Murphy is now in the Network Operations Center, Bradley Smoak joined Media Services as a Web Developer, Eric Burgy became a member of the Telecommunications team, Jack Forester became a Systems Programmer and Suma Ponnam joined the DegreeWorks team.


WVNET assisted Eastern WV Community and Technical College in integrating their Active Directory with their Aerohive WiFi deployment to bring user authentication to the staff network. This allows faculty and staff to connect to wireless internet services using the same credentials they use for other campus services.

Web Hosting

WVNET provides Free Web Hosting for K-12 Schools thanks to a contract with the WV Department of Education. In 2017 we added several more counties to our hosting and ramped up our training and support for this service. Our web team created some new templates for schools that greatly simplify the process of creating a new web site.

Speedtest rating

WVNET replaced our Adobe Flash-based Ookla Speedtest Servers with self-hosted HTML5-based nPerf servers. Therefore, customers no longer need to have Adobe Flash installed—something not possible with Apple iOS devices, for example—and the servers are available from every major desktop and mobile platform. This migration also reduced the cost to WVNET both financially and in manpower. Try it here!

Cisco VPN

WVNET implemented new high-availability Cisco ASA5515-X VPN Concentrators to replace our old equipment. VPN concentrators provide encrypted, private communication tunnels between locations that greatly improve security. This upgrade allows our VPN users to employ a more modern client, authenticate with more standardized credentials, connect from multiple devices simultaneously, and utilize SSL for additional security and flexibility.

Graph showing network traffic

WVNET replaced an aging network statistical graphing server with a New Network Monitor/Traffic Graphing System using Ubuntu Linux, LibreNMS and MariaDB. The old system was hand-built more than a decade ago when software options were more limited. The new system is built on a modern Linux distro,integrated with WVNET’s Active Directory, and fully manageable via a Web UI. This provides greater flexibility and scale, not to mention that the new software provides more insight than previously possible.

Expanded Service Provider Presence in the Data Center

Server with multiple wires

This past year saw DQE Communications, a fiber-optic network services provider based in Pittsburgh, PA, bring their fiber down into WVNET’s datacenter, providing yet one more fiber carrier to the mix. DQE Communications provides both lit and dark fiber services. This year also saw Shentel and Frontier expand their collocation presence in ourdata center. Combined with the various other providers collocated in the WVNET data center, this continues to make WVNET the Point of Presence (POP) in the state of WV.

Banner 9 logo

In 2017 WVNET completed the upgrade of Banner 8 to Banner 9 for allinstitutions hosted at WVNET. Previous versions of Banner relied on plug-ins for Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and student information that had to be maintained separately. Banner 9 is an inclusive product that integrates all of those (ERP’s) into an enterprise level product. The upgrade provides greater efficiency with regard to upgrades and patches, thus enhancing the platform’s stability. Public institutions rely heavily on Banner as acomprehensive student information system that incorporates student academic records, finance, financial aid, and other valuable institutional services.


Enrollments in the West Virginia Remote Online Collaborative Knowledge System (WVROCKS) courses continued to grow. Over 800 students from five institutions enrolled in classes generating over $200,000 in revenue for the participating institutions. Since the pilot in Fall 2012, over 10,500 credit hours have been earned via the portal. The convenience and flexibility of WVROCKS contributes to impressive retention rates of a 93% attendance rate, a 92% completion rate, and an 84% pass rate.

WVNET Network Operations Center

WVNET’s Network Operations Center saw a 50% increase in monthly calls as they provided support to WVNET customers and remote helpdesk users. We offer helpdesk as a service for any organization that needs trained support professionals to help customers 24×7.

Rows of servers at WVNET's Data Center

WVNET’s Systems Team create and maintain the cloud in which all of our services run. WVNET’s systems are complex, including a vast array of servers, operating systems, security systems, storage networks, backup systems, email and messaging, automation and monitors. The systems team managed an already heavy workload with reduced staff by having people expand their support areas and put in extra time and effort. Thanks to this WVNET has been able to keep running our services within the state of West Virginia to provide the best, most efficient and secure services and the most cost effective price.

Laptop on table

WVNET’s Business Office and Interface Team maintained their excellent record of meeting all of their State and Federal deadlines for financial statements and audits in 2017. Moreover, they continued to be a valuable resource for WVNET’s consortia clients by providing their service-level expertise and facilitating the timely completion of institutions’ financial processes to help our clients meet State and Federal mandated deadlines. WVNET negotiates and manages consortium contracts, statewide purchases, and invoice management for pass through services, and is able to provide substantial savings to consortia clients and the State by leveraging the resources available to acquire enterprise level services.

We’re proud of our accomplishments!
How may we help you in 2018?
WVNET Staff 2017

WVNET Significant Accomplishments 2016

At a time when the budget is tight and you need to stretch every dollar, it’s good to know there is a place that accomplishes a lot with modest resources. That place is WVNET! We are able to deliver quality work withonly a small fraction of the personnel and expense found in big companies. We aggregate resources and share the cost, giving our customers a huge savings from what they would pay private companies. Perhaps most importantly, we honestly care if you get quality service and succeed! Our mission is to enhance education through technology in West Virginia, and we take that very seriously!

Actions speak louder than words. Take a look at this list of Significant Accomplishments from 2016. These are just the more visible things that we did…there were many more! WVNET is home for a talented and skilled family of computer savvy West Virginians who produce results in many areas. We hope you have benefited from some of our efforts. If not, perhaps we can help you in 2017!

PK-12 Services – WVNET was awarded a contract by the West Virginia Department of Education to provide Internet, Internet 2, Domain Name System, Listserv and web hosting to PK- 12 schools in West Virginia. We are pleased to have been chosen for this contract and will provide the best services possible.

K-12 Web Hosting – WVNET now offers free web hosting to K-12 schools in West Virginia. Our web support team has worked with schools to migrate and update over 200 sites to our servers. We have received a lot of great feedback from schools who find our platform easy to use and update. We work with schools every day to provide the best web support possible.

WVCTCS Web Site – The West Virginia Community and Technical College System web site has been hosted at WVNET for many years. In 2016 we worked with the WVCTCS to convert their site to our WordPress platform, providing a more modern and mobile-friendly site that is easier to update.

WVROCKS – The West Virginia Remote Online Collaborative Knowledge System (WVROCKS) has been around for five years. It was the brainchild of WVNET director Judge Dan O’Hanlon and has grown quickly under the management of Dr. Roxann Humbert and Dr. Mary Stewart at WVNET. This year WVROCKS achieved its highest enrollments thus far for the Fall 2016 Session at 728. Retention, completion, and pass rates continue to exceed national rates for online learning by as much as thirty percent. In addition, WVROCKS, BridgeValley C&TC, Southern C&TC, and Mountwest C&TC collaborated on a pilot to offer Board of Governors (BOG) Degree courses in addition to Regents Bachelor of Arts Degree courses during the second session of the Fall 2016 term.

Video Endpoints Installed for WVROCKS – Thanks to funds from a U.S. Department of Agriculture Distance Learning and Telemedicine grant which was awarded to WVNET in 2014, we obtained video communications equipment for institutions using WVROCKS. During 2016 we deployed 13 video endpoints at these schools, providing increased opportunities for hybrid and synchronous courses, faculty and staff training, and meetings. Our dis- tance learning capabilities continue to grow along with the success of WVROCKS.

Forklift — Inventory Management for WVIRC – WVNET’s Media Services team developed an on-line application to manage educational materials for the West Virginia Instructional Research Center which serves deaf and blind students throughout the state. This project has been in the works for many months as we shaped it to meet the needs of the WVIRC. Those efforts have resulted in a beautiful and useful application that will help to streamline this service for special needs students.

PSTACHIO Expansion – With the success of version 1, WVNET release an updated version of PSTACHIO which is now in use by all Regional Educational Service Agencies (RESAs) in West Virginia. This web-based software provides a powerful and intuitive interface to a complex database for the purpose of tracking information about Public Service Training. Not only does PSTACHIO track and maintain training data, but it also prints certificates and cards to specification for students who have completed courses.

WV Center for Nursing—Online Application and Website – WVNET worked with the West Virginia Center for Nursing to develop a new online application and web site. The application helps the WVCN schedule nursing students into experiences at hospitals as part of their education process. It is a fairly complicated process that was made easier by WVNETs app. The web site describes the center and provides data and resources.

OZ Problem Management – WVNET’s OZ system is constantly growing to meet the needs of Information Technology and Maintenance Departments in the West Virginia education system. OZ receives service requests from school faculty and staff and routes them to the appropriate service people at an institution. As work is done OZ keeps an information trail of what happened, and can produce numerous reports and invoices as a result. This year we developed some OZ interfaces with other products such as SLACK and GOOGLE, email updates, a new dynamic work order tracking component, and new themes.

CRAMS — WVNET’s Conference Registration and Management System – CRAMS was first developed at WVNET during our mainframe years, and has undergone numerous upgrades during more than two decades of use. This system helps us to manage two yearly statewide conferences – the WV Statewide Technology Conference and the WV Higher Education Technology Conference. CRAMS provides many services including online registration, proposal management, scheduling and session management, badges, program management and more! We have also developed mobile friendly websites that interface with CRAMS to provide services for conference attendees. In 2016 we provided portions of CRAMS to the West Virginia Community College Association conference.

Gatekeeper — Attendance Tracking Application – Our Gatekeeper application keeps track of when students arrive or leave school. It was originally built to work with fingerprint scanners to identify W V N E T S I G N I F I C A N T A C C O M P L I S H M E N T S 2 0 1 6 ( c o n t i n u e d ) students. In 2016 we made numerous updates to Gatekeeper, mostly providing more settings and controls for administrators. The application will also accept input from other devices such as bar code and RFID readers.

DDoS Protection – In recent years Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks have been increasing. Hackers will create a flood of internet traffic to a certain location, causing it to be overwhelmed and unable to function properly. One such attack against a popular DNS provider caused outages for popular services including Spotify, Twitter, Github and Paypal. WVNET occasionally receives DDOS attacks, and this is a serious problem. In 2016 we contracted with a vendor for DDoS protection service. This service will help WVNET and its customers mitigate DDoS attacks by sending incoming traffic to the vendor where it will be scrubbed of the unwanted / offending content. The vendor forwards legitimate content back to WVNET.

Electronic Bids Application – Since WVNET maintains a large number of state-wide contracts, we have been using our own online bid management system for years. The system shows open RFP’s and RFQ’s, accepts questions and displays answers, and holds information about winning bids. In the past year we completely rebuilt the application to include some new capabilities. Most notably vendors can now submit their bid electronically. Submitted bids are encrypted and cannot be accessed or viewed by anyone until the bid opening date. We are hoping that electronic bid submission will eliminate much of the overhead in submitting and handling paper bids.

WVNET’s Social Media Team – Comprised mostly of student interns, our social media team did a lot to connect WVNET with people in West Virginia and the world. The team maintained a constant feed of information on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, most notably at the two statewide conferences. The social feeds from the conference provided a lot of supplemental insight that added greatly to the experience.

DegreeWorks – Significant milestones were achieved in optimizing the use of DegreeWorks – the student success/retention software. The Transfer Equivalency SelfService Module for DegreeWorks was purchased and introduced to schools during a statewide meeting in June. The DegreeWorks upgrade necessary for implementation of the self-service module will launch in January 2017. In preparation for this upgrade, the latest version of the DegreeWorks scribing component, essential for coding course catalogs, has been demonstrated to schools via a workshop and conference calls.

Blackboard Hosting and Support – In response to the ever changing budgetary needs of our Blackboard Learning Management Software hosted institutions, WVNET was able to extend services without raising prices by eliminating hardware resources and services that schools were not using and replacing them with services that schools desperately needed like web conferencing and streaming media within course shells. Training opportunities were also expanded to on demand, synchronous webinars, and onsite training.

Early Warning Building Block – WVNET Systems Programmer Jonathan Lynch developed an Early Warning System building block. This tool allows instructors, deans, and advisers to get a high-level view of how their students are doing in order to identify individuals who may be struggling and could benefit from some extra attention. Decades of research shows that if you can reach out to these students and give them the help they need, retention rates go way up.

BigBlueButton Meeting Rooms – WVNET Systems Programmer Jonathan Lynch developed a web interface for creating BigBlueButton meeting rooms. BigBlueButton is a virtual meeting platform similar to WebEx. Previously, rooms could only be created through Blackboard, which meant that all participants needed to have a Blackboard account. Now we can create our own rooms outside of Blackboard at any time, providing us and our customers a low-cost fully-featured alternative to WebEx.

WVOASIS – WVNET Application Programmer Roman Chuby developed the WVOASIS to Banner payroll interface that loads over 20,000 reconcilable payroll accounting lines each month for WVNET hosted and supported institutions. WVOASIS is the financial system used by state agencies and institutions in West Virginia. WVNET has been a key player in interfacing OASIS to Banner, which is the financial system used by West Virginia higher education.

eTranscripts – BridgeValley Community & Technical College and Eastern West Virginia Community & Technical College, in partnership with National Student Clearinghouse, a leader in transcript exchange services, began offering electronic delivery of student transcripts in April 2016. The Ellucian eTranscripts solution provides an official, certified, electronic transcript through a fast, secure and environmentally friendly delivery method.

West Virginia Higher Education Technology Conference 2016 – This annual conference for statewide higher education technology was a great success. It hosted 31 exhibitors and 58 informative sessions. Opening speaker Nicholas David Bowman, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Communication Studies at WVU discussed how to use social media to foster student engagement. Presenters from numerous West Virginia institutions delivered sessions on topics including career and professional development, e-learning and distant learning, student success, big data, “green” computing, web development, security and network management, enterprise resource planning and social media. There was also a “Poster Session.” Karen Rhodes from Hewlett Packard Enterprise was the closing speaker who talked about the power of curiosity and how it drives us to learn. Dr. Monica Brooks, Associate Vice-President for Libraries and Online Learning at Marshall University, accepted this year’s Outstanding Service Award.

West Virginia Statewide Technology Conference 2016 – The 12th annual conference of its kind, the WVSTC attracted over 400 attendees who enjoyed 131+ concurrent sessions, 74 exhibitors, 1 STEM Playground and 2 amazing speakers. Opening speaker Kelly Reddin, Global Master Trainer, Lego Education, talked about the importance of creativity in an interactive session using Lego blocks. Closing speaker Brent Frey, Apple, Inc., discussed change and how everyone can code. He introduced participants to the Swift programming language which was developed by Apple and is being offered to schools. Technology Integration Specialists (TIS) candidates were given an added bonus to their training – The Coopers Rock Professional Learning Expedition. Next year’s West Virginia Statewide Technology Conference will be held July 18-20, 2017 at The Waterfront Place Hotel in Morgantown, WV.

Banner XE Progress – Banner XE is the next generation of Banner, offering a web-based interface for accessing Banner’s functions. WVNET has been creating test instances of Banner XE and has deployed these to six institutions. These instances help schools to use and learn the new system, finding any problem areas, before using Banner XE in production.

Neil Bolyard Financial Aid Award – Dianne Sisler was recipient of the Neal E. Bolyard Meritorious Service Award. The West Virginia Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (WVASFAA) presents this award to a member who has made an outstanding contribution. Diane is closely involved with schools throughout West Virginia in the acquisition of financial aid for students in need. Many thanks and congratulations Dianne!

Upgraded Virus and Spam Filtering – Our email filtering service helps customers to avoid malicious and annoying email by detecting and flagging or removing it before it is delivered. This year we migrated our virus and spam filtering from the BarricadeMX platform to the DefenderMX platform. This upgrade provides additional filtering capabilities, log analysis, trend insight, and proactive monitoring for our customers, features that keep us ahead of the growingly complex array of email scams.

Domain Name System Upgrade – WVNET provides Domain Name System (DNS) service to many institutions in West Virginia. DNS takes a domain name such as “wvnet.edu” and translates it to a numeric internet address, directing internet communications to the correct computers. This year we improved our DNS service by migrating to Infoblox appliances—dedicated pairs of computers that provide high availability by sharing work. Infoblox is a state-of-the-art platform for this function.

Virtual Infrastructure – Most of WVNET’s services and supporting processes run on virtual machines (VM) – sophisticated programs that simulate a real computer in software. We can have many VM’s on a single physical computer, which optimizes performance of each system, reduces hardware problems, simplifies upgrades, and greatly reduces costs. The result is better and more affordable computing services for our customers. In 2016 we updated our virtual Infrastructure to VMWare ESXi 6.0 which provides multiple improvements over previous versions. ESXi 6.0 uses a common configuration for all supporting hardware, which reduces the potential for issues that may arise from different hardware and simplifies issue troubleshooting.

Improved System Security and Maintenance – Many security problems can result from not keeping a system up-to-date. This is true on every computer from your smart phone to a super computer. WVNET’s vast array of servers run many configurations of services that need to be monitored and kept up-todate. In 2016 we improved our ability to maintain updates by continuing our implementation of a program called Puppet. This program accesses each of our servers and ensures that they conform to a set of baseline best practices by adjusting configurations and installing updates. We also use Puppet to deploy new applications through automation. There are many security threats brought by hackers from all around the world. WVNET and our customers are often targets for hacking attempts. Programs like Puppet help us maintain strong defenses and monitoring to proactively avoid attacks while providing the best possible server infrastructure.

Version Control – In 2016 we adopted version control software for configuration change tracking and management. We created a local repository server that is used by all staff at WVNET to update systems. Having a local repository ensures that the best and correct updates are consistently being applied to our systems. WVNET’s application developers also use version control to coordinate updates and manage software changes. To improve this process WVNET implemented our own instance of GitLab – open source software to collaborate on code.

Office 365 Support – Many institutions in West Virginia have migrated to Office 365 as their source for office applications. WVNET has significant expertise in the platform, and in 2016 we assisted many customers with their Office 365 needs from initial tenant configuration to upgrades of synchronous tools.

Help Desk and Support – This is very important! When you need information technology services it goes beyond the hardware and software. If you have a question or a problem you need a friendly and helpful forum to work with you. WVNET has long recognized the importance of customer support, and we maintain the highest standards to make that available. In 2016 our 24×7 helpdesk assisted more than 10,000 callers. Supporters in each of our departments additionally provided second and third level support through our OZ ticketing system and face-to-face. Many customers completed our satisfaction survey, and we achieved a 96% satisfaction rating. If you need help, WVNET is the place to call!

WVSTC 2016

The 12th annual West Virginia Statewide Technology Conference 2016 (WVSTC 2016) will be held July 19-21, 2016, at The Waterfront Hotel and Morgantown Event Center in Morgantown, WV. Registration is open for attendees and exhibitors. Early registration ends June 24. At one point in time technology imposed barriers to education, but now with expanded access and affordability, the tide has turned, and technology is actually breaking down the barriers to education. Opening keynote is Kelly Reddin, Global Master Trainer, Lego Education, on Tuesday, July 19th at 1:00pm. Closing keynote is Apple, Inc. on Thursday, July 21st at 11:00am. Pre-conference workshops are filling up quickly. Offering 123 concurrent sessions covering a wide range of topics and numerous exhibitors (exhibitor booth space is filling up quickly), you’ll want to register now. Explore all the opportunities WVSTC 2016 has to offer you at the conference website.